alternative or complementary medicine

Not to forget reasons for using alternative or complementary medicine as a preferred application to ensure health and wellness.

Doctors want more knowledge in naturopathy

A recent study by the University of Witten / Herdecke, according to the wishes of the vast majority of medical specialists for children with cancer, a better education in alternative medicine.
Witten (AP) - Specialists in children with cancer want a better education about alternative medical treatments and remedies outside of conventional medicine. Anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy and nutritional supplements in the treatment were already on the rise.
That says a study of the private University of Witten / Herdecke, which was presented on Thursday, Witten. The authors had 700 specialists for children with cancer, sent a questionnaire and received 175 responses.

For the majority of the doctors said it was important to talk openly with parents of children with cancer about complementary and alternative medicine, said study author Alfred Längler from Herdecke Community Hospital, the teaching hospital of the University. Less than half of children oncologists do this eventually. "The reason for this contradiction lies in the fact that almost half of the respondents had learned during the university education nothing about complementary and alternative medicine," Längler said ahead of a conference on the subject of anthroposophic medicine this Saturday in Dortmund. To expect the Federation of Anthroposophic Medicine in Germany (DAMiD) and the Herdecke Hospital 1000 visitors from all over Europe.

Little knowledge especially younger

Striking was the fact that knowledge of alternative or complementary medicine would especially younger physicians or those who work in smaller non-university hospitals. To fill the knowledge gap, were 85 percent of children oncologist for a better education and training in these fields.

Especially methods such as massage, yoga, according to the surveyed physicians would increase in children with cancer, the quality of life. Reasons for non-use of alternative methods were except lack of knowledge about the doctors worry about possible interactions with conventional treatments (76 percent) as well as additional costs for the patients (75 percent).

Längler holds an orthodox medical training for a good basis for Integrative Medicine. This applies not only to children oncologists. Important for doctors is that they could assess naturopathic methods to advise patients.

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