Sunday, 11 December 2011

alternative medicine preferred by patients

"ULTIMATELY ARE DRUGS POISON." - ABOUT THREE-QUARTERS OF MEDICAL PATIENTS PREFER ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES Source: Homeopathic News As the German population stands to conventional drugs? And what are the causes of poor patient adherence to therapy, the so-called non-compliance? These issues are addressed by the current health-monitor 2011, the Bertelsmann Foundation. The topic is at least economically relevant to the health care system: the direct costs of non-compliance were estimated annually for Germany in a study late 90s to 7-10 billion € - these are costs for hospital stays, home care or emergency admissions.The real economic damage would be much higher, indirect costs such as lost productivity and absenteeism were not considered. The representative survey is being launched with a high demand: The goal is to collect information about the changes to the German health and development of more concrete reform proposals, the foundation. Based on approximately 1,800 interviews with people aged between 18 and 79 years presented to the Health Monitor key findings: Striking is a significantly negative pronounced attitude of patients to drugs that culminates in the statement: "Ultimately, they are poison." More than half of the respondents agree. Conventional drugs are perceived primarily as a necessary evil. 82 percent say "I do not like drugs. If I get along without them, I would omit it. "Over 60 percent complain that physicians rely too often on drugs and prescribe them too often. In contrast confess over three-quarters of the respondents for their preference for "softer" alternative medical remedies. "The risk of non-compliance is 1.6 times larger in case of insufficient medical information about side effects, 1.9 times as large at a generalized negative attitudes towards drugs and three times as large at an unfavorable assessment of the last administered drug "according to the Bertelsmann Foundation. The medical information about

Alternative medicine, naturopathy and Bach flowers

About Alternative medicine, naturopathy and Bach flowers - terms with many facets
Why is it always the "chemistry" grab when you're sick? Much against a natural herb is grown! The already noted Hildegard of Bingen and many of your colleagues in the natural medicine and alternative medicine. The diversity of natural medicine and everything that moves around (which also includes tea and spices), we want to show you in this portal. If you are interested in specific topics, please contact us at....
Naturally Healing - Health and illness holistically

Every man knows himself best! Who pays attention to his body and already recognize the first signs of change has a good chance to prevent the development of chronic diseases. It is important to always consider a holistic view of body and soul. For the regulation of small disturbances and to prevent it are many natural methods to positively impact the two areas. The health awareness of people is constantly increasing. So does the desire for alternative treatment methods and means of self-treatment. For this purpose there are many opportunities.

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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Alternative medicine for cancer patients

Created 03/12/10, 14:21
Alternative treatments can now also play a role in the fight against cancer. According to Professor Gustav Dobos, for example, can help patients determine forms of meditation in dealing with the disease.
Berlin - Alternative treatments can now also play a role in the fight against cancer. According to Professor Gustav Dobos, for example, can help patients determine forms of meditation in dealing with the disease.

"There are studies that show that can degrade it fears," the director of the Clinic for Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine in Essen said on Friday (December 3) at the European Congress for Integrative Medicine in Berlin. Is organized by the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics at the Charité in Berlin.

Also, acupuncture is now recognized as a method to combat side effects such as pain. "Those old grave battles between conventional medicine and alternative medicine, it no longer," said Dobos. The aim of the research should be to develop a so-called integrative medicine that combines alternative and conventional medical approaches.

One complication is still the distinction between effective and ineffective therapies. "Patients are bombarded from the Internet or from friends with a flood of information," said Dobos. Here, well-trained doctors are in demand. Patients should always scrutinize therapies offered to their proven efficacy. Improperly used in therapies could also be harmful under certain circumstances.