Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for back pain
Category: Alternative medicine and healing methods - treatment of back pain with methods of Chinese medicine and
Back pain, stomach pain, or sleep disorder - common diseases of today
- Whether in the office, in the car, in front of the computer or TV, we sit in everyday life too much and move too little. The result: back pain has become a veritable folk suffering. Often still be added psychological stress and a poor diet, accompanied by other symptoms such as insomnia and stomach pain. Apart from a fundamental change of behavior and nutrition among other things, the contemporary and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers effective assistance.
Patients often find that by the "normal everyday madness" complaints such as Back pain, insomnia and stomach pains have help in the practice of contemporary and traditional Chinese medicine doctor Monika Hornbach in Frankfurt.
"Apart from a fundamental change of behavior and diet of the modern and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers ways out of the back pain or stomach pain that is not always the cause of a" bad "must have food. In one patient might be" Turbid "be discharged at the other is a "blood heat" in the foreground before the pain can subside and the patient feels better overall back, "said the doctor Monika Hornbach.
Every second in Germany at least once a year, significant pain at cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. The reason for inability to work for years to take back pain are consistently a top position. And who is himself affected, know how much influence back pain penetrating quality of life.
If you want to back pain with the methods of Chinese medicine treatment, the combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy is especially promising. As reported by physician Monika Hornbach of a 48-year-old female patient who sometimes more and sometimes less is suffering from back pain for 3 years. Car rides, they can take no more and she has acute pain in the right elbow (tennis elbow).
As therapy according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) it receives once or twice a week acupuncture and herbal therapy phases. Even after 2 weeks, the back pain can noticeably and general well-being has increased. At the same time, the patient starts with regular exercise, good for what you felt. Even if they can continue this not consistent due to time constraints, the treatment of Chinese medicine affects permanently positive. After four months, she is pain-free, although they are in their profession very much fit your quality of life and their condition has improved considerably.
Also insomnia are continually increasing and today often involve school children. "Since children are not so bogged down in their behavioral patterns, treatment often takes only a few sessions until they sleep well again and relaxing," said Monika Hornbach doctor.
Sometimes several lifestyle diseases occur simultaneously, such as when a 30-year-old patient suffering from severe stomach pain with difficulty falling asleep and frequent recurrent nausea, belching and vomiting after eating. It comes a week after the first consultation to acupuncture and herbs will get a unique compilation that she drinks daily in the form of a tea. After just three weeks, they can sleep much better and has more energy. Even more complaints such as stomachache, and digestive problems have eased noticeably.
Information on the treatment of back pain and sleep disorders with methods of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, as well as detailed case studies, please visit:
Chinese medicine and acupuncture, doctor Monika Hornbach, Frankfurt
As part of a holistic medicine doctor offers Monika Hornbach in the community of practice Dr. Schott / Hornbach in Frankfurt therapies in contemporary and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to. Woman Hornbach is a recognized expert in the contemporary and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
The doctor Monika Horbach studied medicine in Frankfurt and then worked for several years in general practice, internal medicine and gynecological activity before they additionally underwent extensive training in modern as traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Another additional training and depressions were followed, eg practical in Chinese herbal therapy, and finally collected Monika Hornbach physician experienced in the use of Chinese medicine in the country of China, Xi Yuan Hospital in Beijing. Since 1998 Monika Hornbach doctor treats her patients are increasingly using the methods of Chinese medicine. My treatment focus are chronic and often complex diseases.
Tag It: TCM, traditional Chinese medicine Frankfurt, acupuncture, modern Chinese medicine, Chinese medicinal herbs, herbal therapy, back pain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, cervical spine, lumbar spine syndrome, insomnia, stomach pain, stress management, doctor Monika Hornbach, a doctor of Chinese medicine
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