Saturday, 8 June 2013

medicinal mushrooms alternative medicine for joint pain and gout

Medicinal mushrooms make valuable contribution in the holistic treatment of gout
Category: Alternative medicine and healing methods - (pText)
Natural Help for Joint Pain (zoom)
The MykoTroph Institute informs: In Germany suffer some 2.8 percent of males and 0.4 percent of the female population rising from gout trend. Cause of this disease is a metabolic disorder of the purine metabolism, which leads to an increased level of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). Gout remains untreated and becomes chronic it is, then make it very hard uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints, but that also in the kidneys. This can result in severe pain associated with joint inflammation and joint damage as well as deformation of the joint, but also kidney stones and kidney damage. In developed nations the number of gout patients is increasing steadily. So it's good to know that in addition to conventional therapies and remedies from the natural medicine as the Medicinal mushrooms can make a valuable contribution to the treatment of the disease.

Severe pain in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the big toe is often the first symptom of the disease

During the first acute attack of gout big toe joint is affected in 60 percent of cases. A gout attack usually occurs at night and is associated with elevated temperature or fever, severe pain, redness, swelling, heat and pain in the affected joint in motion. Besides the big toe joint can be affected, occasionally, the ankle, the tarsus or the knee joint. Rarely in the fingers, hand or elbow joints occurs a gout attack.

Diet and low alcohol consumption are mandatory

Goal of any gout treatment is the normalization of uric acid. You can greatly improve the disease by triggering factors are consistently avoided. This means that for gout prevention is the alpha and omega This requires eventual overweight - best with plenty of exercise! Are degraded and severely restricted the consumption of alcohol, or ideally all set -. A high-fat and low-sugar diet and the lack of purinhaltige food - Steer clear of offal, meat, fish, legumes and asparagus - are as important as the intake of plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters of still water or unsweetened herbal tea), as may be so less uric acid deposited in the kidney.

Medicinal mushrooms are well established both as a precautionary measure in the treatment of gout

Medicinal mushrooms are a 100 percent natural remedies and are in addition to the treatment of elevated uric acid levels as a preventative measure in case of known inherited predisposition of gout and acute gout episodes. In the Mykotherapie (fungal medicine) particularly shiitake, Cordyceps and Reishi are used in gout, as these mushrooms have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and also apply as a blood purifier.

The Shiitake is also known for its positive effect on cholesterol levels. Clinical trials prove that he total cholesterol, VLDL and LDL cholesterol and lowers blood pressure significantly in a short time and also raises the HDL. Since gout is often associated with elevated blood lipid levels and high blood pressure, makes the healing mushroom shiitake important work in support of the treatment. It also exerts an alkalizing effect on the organism from experience, showing a particular effect on the joints and relieves pain in acute attacks.

Reishi also does a good job in regulating blood fat levels, and according to studies lower cholesterol significantly. Several studies have also been shown that the ingredients of Reishi possess antioxidant and radical-scavenging properties. Thus, age-related damage to the liver, heart and kidneys can be reduced. He has a preventive effect against inflammation and also inhibits pre-existing inflammation in the body. In combination with the Cordyceps, which is used to strengthen the liver and kidneys, among other things, it forms a powerful duo in the treatment of gout.

Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. According to experiences of MykoTroph Institute of Nutrition and fungal medicine, especially mushroom powder capsules have proven to be made of the whole mushroom, because only in them all active ingredients are included. More information on the subject there is, among other things on the website of the Institute MykoTroph

For more information:

MykoTroph Press Office Ltd, c / o SanTerris GmbH

Hall Castle Street 3, 61138 Niederdorfelden

Contact: Ulrike Zölzer

Tel: 06187-90 70 900

About MykoTroph:

The MykoTroph AG, Institute of Food and fungal medicine based in Limes Grove, was founded in 2003 by Franz feast. The graduate agricultural engineer for more than 30 years engaged in the action and use of medicinal mushrooms and is one of the most renowned experts in this field. The aim of the Institute is to make the knowledge of the preventive and curative effects of fungi in Germany and in Europe to a wide public. These are posted on the Institute's website at MykoTroph comprehensive information and studies. In addition, Franz Schmaus and his team for detailed discussions are available from Monday to Friday in the time from 8-18 clock by calling the hotline 06047/98 85 30. Interested parties can agree on this number and a personal consultation at the Institute. All consultations are free of charge. Comprehensive information and DVDs can also be obtained free of charge MykoTroph Institute.

The information presented here on the possible uses of medicinal mushrooms based on years of experience and studies of MykoTroph Institute of Nutrition and fungal medicine, but do not replace a therapist. Please consult your therapist before applying or by the experts and therapists at MykoTroph. Full details are on the website of MykoTroph as ... adjusted.

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