Source: Homeopathic News
As the German population stands to conventional drugs? And what are
the causes of poor patient adherence to therapy, the so-called
non-compliance? These issues are addressed by the current
health-monitor 2011, the Bertelsmann Foundation. The topic is at least
economically relevant to the health care system: the direct costs of
non-compliance were estimated annually for Germany in a study late 90s
to 7-10 billion € - these are costs for hospital stays, home care or
emergency admissions.The real economic damage would be much higher,
indirect costs such as lost productivity and absenteeism were not
The representative survey is being launched with a high demand: The
goal is to collect information about the changes to the German health
and development of more concrete reform proposals, the foundation.
Based on approximately 1,800 interviews with people aged between 18
and 79 years presented to the Health Monitor key findings: Striking is
a significantly negative pronounced attitude of patients to drugs that
culminates in the statement: "Ultimately, they are poison." More than
half of the respondents agree. Conventional drugs are perceived
primarily as a necessary evil. 82 percent say "I do not like drugs. If
I get along without them, I would omit it. "Over 60 percent complain
that physicians rely too often on drugs and prescribe them too often.
In contrast confess over three-quarters of the respondents for their
preference for "softer" alternative medical remedies.
"The risk of non-compliance is 1.6 times larger in case of
insufficient medical information about side effects, 1.9 times as
large at a generalized negative attitudes towards drugs and three
times as large at an unfavorable assessment of the last administered
drug "according to the Bertelsmann Foundation. The medical information
prescription drugs are a very key factor influencing adherence
to therapy. Every fifth patient health monitor according to "very
strong" or "somewhat strong" fears and uncertainties due to the
behavior of possible side effects of his medication. The find,
according to Health Monitor general discomfort of large populations to
medication without a doubt, a rational explanation: "Negative, both
physically and psychologically unpleasant experience of side effects
with one drug can be generalized and cause reservations and fears
about other drugs."
"Basically, the discomfort of patients medically eligible," says
Cornelia Bajic, Chairman of the German Association of Homeopathic
Physicians, as every physician knows, "prescribed by a doctor to his
patient several prescription drugs that he is leaving already the
ground of evidence-based medicine - in this case, there are usually no
reliable survey data on exchange-and side-effects," said Bajicon. For
lack of awareness of the patient by the physician writes the
Bertelsmann Foundation, a doctor, "not natural" could spare the time,
sufficient information about a drug and its side effects. The lack of
knowledge of patients about drugs then run over hidden risks are often
not understood to exaggerated fears. "The general reservations about
drugs (" ultimately poison ") can be interpreted in this context at
least partially as a half-sediments and ignorance," says the
To promote compliance should monitor the health information sessions,
written information, personal phone calls, reminder calls, pill boxes,
trays and special counseling for patients who have already made
relevant negative experiences with drugs. "These funds fall short,"
said Bajic. All that is needed to increase compliance does not ensure
that patients take their drugs good. "The patient wants an integrative
medicine, which reacts with different treatment methods on their
individual disease situation," said Bajic. This is close enough time
and education for patients with one, which creates a high level of
confidence about treatment adherence. "Not least against the
background of the enormous savings potential that the policy is
required to create meaningful framework for integrative medicine in
Germany, for which the DZVhÄ using for years."
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